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  • Auditioning for BFA programs

  • Auditioning for MFA programs

  • In need of guidance with classical text

  • Have a tricky audition coming up 

  • Looking for a new workshop

  • Want to learn more about acting


I GOT YOU! Let's get you the tools you need

Sign up here!

Q + A

What's your teaching philosophy? 

I believe we all work differently as actors- my hope in working together is that we will collaborate in finding techniques and tools that specifically help YOU!
As a professional actor currently holding an MFA in Acting I've got a big old toolbox full of different disciplines and approaches to text, voice, and bodywork (Grotowski, Laban, Linklater, Alexander Technique, Viewpoints, Stanislavski, Chekhov, Meisner, Feldenkrais, Bartenieff Fundamentals, the list goes on...)
I'm also a certified yoga instructor! I find my background in meditation, body knowledge, and breathwork is directly applicable with most clients whether we're working on classical text or a self-tape.  


How much does a session cost?

Coaching is expensive. Period. I'm passionate about keeping my sessions accessible to anyone and everyone who wants to grow their acting practice. Here's what I charge:


  • First 30 minute session- FREE

  • 30 min. session- $15.00

  • 1 hr. session- $30.00

  • 2 hr. session- $50.00


If that doesn't work for you, not to worry! Contact me and we can figure out a fair trade.

Virtual or In Person?

You choose! For now, virtual is generally the most convenient. 

That said, I am fully vaccinated. Woohoo! As vaccinations begin to roll out, I can invite you to my studio to work on whatever it is you need in person. 

Do I have
to be memorized?


I'm here to help guide you exactly where you are in the process (wherever that happens to be!)

Can I
our session? 

For sure!

I'll give you a zoom recording and notes of whatever cover in our session.

How do I sign up? 

Start by booking your first free 30-minute session with the button below so we can get to know each other and make a plan for our next sesh!


Check out the experiences of some of the incredible actors I've worked with below!

Karina Ithier_Headshot 2020.jpg

Karina Ithier
University of Houston- Class of 2024

" I have had the pleasure of working with Elisabeth in preparation for my graduate school monologues. She helped me pull out my authentic voice and we did a variety of exercises to reach the "sweet spot" of each of my characters. She's a very kind, soulful, light and she immediately made me feel comfortable from our first session, even when the nerves hit in for performance. She had a wealth of information including reaching out to schools, costume choice, and monologue choice, and allowed me to create pieces I felt were true to me.  She pulls out the authentic version of you with a great deal of acting info, as a professional actress and yogi herself and she has excellent teaching that serves the mind, voice, and body connection. She left me relaxed, prepared, and "present" to audition. With her help,  I had been admitted to three of my top schools!" 


Jordan Sam Rich
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training- Class of 2024

" Elisabeth is a revelation in teaching. Her compassion, flexibility and kindness make her a dear friend and a top notch coach. She is receptive to what you need, relies on myriad techniques and is a genius in developing specific strategies for you. Elisabeth WILL get you where you want to go!"

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Lily Odekirk
Teaching Artist and Actor

" Elisabeth creates a working environment that is warm, safe, and personal. Not only is she a skilled and knowledgeable actor and director herself, she is deeply generous and attentive. She helps you build the tools and confidence to create your best work.”

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